Writing a blog is almost complicated as understanding the book, sometimes. Voltaire keeps fooling and playing with my intelligence. Every time he says something ironic, absurd or exaggerated, I know he is messing with me and
he knows I have to read the joke two times to get it. Having that said, I will continue with my eternal search for writing the perfect blog (if there is such) about a satirical book. Challenge accepted.
For me there is nothing like reading a book where the author makes fun of the elite hierarchy. In this case, Voltaire always depicts princesses and those who know-nothing as the wiser ones. For example, when he quotes the astute old lady: ¨While the old woman was speaking with the prudence which age and experience confer...¨ (page 60). He spoke of her that way because she gave the greatest of advices to Cúnegonde by saying she should marry a rich Governor and desert the horrible life that would pursue her.
Just to give you a clue, he was being sarcastic. Sarcasm, as a matter of fact, is very common in this book. I figured that maybe by saying that he was insinuating that he did not support the fact of women ¨staying in the kitchen.¨ I´m glad. I am not the most feminist and sexist person of all times, but I do support the fact of them working hard and building a name.
Don´t just read, nod your head and agree with what I just said, consider the time Voltaire was in when he wrote Candide. There was extreme sexism and women were not allowed to do anything. He said things priests still consider unholy. But his subtleness, I guess, saved him from being one of those maniacs that just wanted to fool around with the church. Pshh, like seriously dude, get someone of your height.
I mean, really, what was that Copernicus guy thinking with that whole ¨heliocentric¨ theory thing? There are some crazy people out there, don´t wanna touch ´em.