domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

War's Left and Right

My dad always tells me to look on both sides when I cross the street. Even if it's a one way street. It may sound silly, but it's true. People are silly, stupid, ignorant and sometimes drunk when they drive a car. I feel like that is what happened to the Americans when they were told about Dresden.

They were told it was beautiful, undefended and "off war," but they are at war. And they are in Germany. Why didn't they look to the other side of the street?

They were getting bombed in thirty days and Billy knew. He knew everything: when he was going to die, when Derby was doing to die, he knew many things. Somehow he kept everything to himself, he never said a thing about what he saw, I guess that would make him look foolish. Maybe, just maybe, he may not be totally insane, people that don't like to keep an image are the crazy ones, right? I suppose. Everyone cares what other people think, even if it's just a little, even Billy Pilgrim.

I wouldn't know how it is to be a prisoner, and specially at war. I mean, sure, it is very tough and "impersonal," I would say. But still, I wouldn't know how it is to be a prisoner. Kurt Vonnegut has shown me a little of how if feels like. He has shown me a little of how it is to be a captured soldier and he has shown me a little of how it is to not see trees, comfortable beds and kids for three years. He has made me feel sick about war.

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